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How to Write a Great Pitch

Writing a pitch for work can be daunting. Presenting a pitch can feel even more nerve wracking. We’re here to provide you with some tips for writing a great pitch so that you can feel confident in your presentation and delivery. One of the best ways to gain confidence in public speaking, is to be confident in what you’re saying. If you don’t believe in yourself, how will others believe in you?

Do your research

Research shows that you should research more.

Honestly though, you can never truly research too much. It’s one of those things that is tedious, time consuming and can be ever so boring. However, it’s necessary and for writing a pitch, it’s absolutely necessary.

You need to be educated on what you’re suggesting. If you’re suggesting that your entire office goes vegan, but you have an iron deficiency and you provide chicken sandwiches every Friday at lunch, how does this coincide with what you’re pitching?

You need to understand what it is you are suggesting, then you need to establish your point of view. Most things have at least two points of view, but others have multiple. It’s up to you to decide yours once you have researched and educated yourself enough to understand how the specific change will impact you and others around you.

You have to consider things like cost, people, location and so much more. Building a pitch is so much more than having an idea and bringing it up at your next office meeting. It’s about strategically planning out your arguments, using a specific language that is understandable, and being able to communicate your ideas and point of view in a way that is accepted.

Be respectful

This is largely to do with who’s listening and just know that your answer will always be wrong. You never really know who is listening or paying attention when you say something. If you give a pitch at your boardroom meeting full of 12 people, is it soundproof? Do you turn off all recording devices? What about the secretary?

It’s hard to know who is really listening to us and when, so it’s best to always air on the side of caution. Be respectful to those you are directly talking to, but also to those who might hear your pitch.

This requires you to consider your language and any slang or jargon, how you approach the pitch, your actual pitch (the idea, or proposal), and how you plan on executing the idea or pitch itself. Your best bet generally, it be short and sweet, and avoid any opportunity for misinterpretation or miscommunication.

Build trust

Trust is something that takes time and patience. It can’t be bought but it can be earned with time and dedication. Earning people’s trust is a skill, since people have different values, morals and ideas of what trust is.

When you have someone’s trust, it’s important that you nurture it. However, you should also consider this an advantage if you’re proposing a pitch. How will that person receive the idea? Will their influence over others help me in getting approval for my idea?

You can use things like testimonials or recommendations to help you gain trust with other people. Humans are more likely to trust someone who has positive recommendations from 10 people, than someone who has negative recommendations from 5. It matters what people say about you when you’re proposing a pitch, and when you’re in business. As much as people preach that you shouldn’t care what others think, when it comes down to it, you have no other choice. You have to network, impress people and get them to trust you so that you have a connection for the future. You never know who will be able to help you out when you need it.


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